Why Victorian Life Should Interest Us

The Victorian era is generally from considered 1837 to 1901. This is the reign of Queen Victoria. This blog will sometimes go before this era and after this era because the focus is on the lives of the Victorians. It will also feature famous Victorians and towns that have deep Victorian roots. The Victorian era matters because it was a time of tremendous social change and social status for the masses.
Artistic movements, literary style, political, and religious movements the so define our lives in the 21st century had their roots in the lives of the Victorians. While we rightfully, define Victorians as sexually repressed and patronizing of women, the roots of questioning those values are emerging in the Victorian era. The Victorian period established the roots of middle class life in the western world and was truly the start of modern

Dave Jacobs [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via  Some of the exhibits showing aspects of Hampshire life in Victorian and Edwardian times.

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